
問題 1

[テーマ] 現代の労働環境と仕事のバランス

📖 課題文

In recent years, work-life balance has become an important topic in many countries. People are increasingly prioritizing their personal lives over their professional responsibilities. Some companies have introduced flexible working hours and the option to work from home to accommodate employees' needs. However, there are still many challenges. Some employees struggle to separate work from their personal life, especially when working remotely. Additionally, many workers feel pressure to be constantly available through email and messaging apps, even after work hours. Experts argue that finding a healthy balance between work and personal life is crucial for both mental and physical health. Research has shown that employees who have more control over their work schedule are generally happier and more productive.

✏️ 問題

Explain why work-life balance is important, using two examples from the passage.

✅ 解答例

1️⃣ ARGUMENT(導入)

Work-life balance is crucial because it helps maintain mental and physical health, as well as improving overall productivity.

2️⃣ EVIDENCE(本文)

One reason work-life balance is important is that it prevents burnout. For example, many companies now offer flexible working hours and the option to work from home to help employees manage their time better. This allows workers to prioritize their personal lives and reduce stress.

Another reason is that control over one's work schedule leads to higher job satisfaction. Research shows that employees who have more control over their working hours are generally happier and more productive. This is important for both the well-being of employees and the success of companies.


In conclusion, maintaining a work-life balance is essential for both mental health and work productivity. Companies should continue to support flexible working arrangements to help employees find a healthy balance.

問題 2

[テーマ] 技術の進歩と社会への影響

📖 課題文

Technology has advanced rapidly over the past few decades, transforming many aspects of our daily lives. The rise of the internet has made information more accessible, allowing people to connect with others around the world. Social media platforms have become a dominant force, influencing how we communicate and share information. However, there are some downsides to this technological progress. Many people spend a significant amount of time on social media, leading to decreased face-to-face interactions and feelings of isolation. Furthermore, the constant availability of information can be overwhelming, making it difficult for individuals to focus on important tasks. Despite these challenges, technology has the potential to improve lives by offering new opportunities for education, work, and personal growth.

✏️ 問題

Explain both the positive and negative effects of technological progress, using two examples from the passage.

✅ 解答例

1️⃣ ARGUMENT(導入)

Technological progress has both positive and negative effects on society.

2️⃣ EVIDENCE(本文)

One positive effect of technological progress is that it has made information more accessible. For example, the rise of the internet allows people to connect with others worldwide and access a wealth of information instantly. This has improved communication and education opportunities.

However, there are also negative effects. One example is that social media has decreased face-to-face interactions, leading to feelings of isolation for many people. Additionally, the constant flow of information can be overwhelming and make it hard for individuals to concentrate on important tasks.


In conclusion, while technology has brought many benefits, such as better communication and access to information, it also poses challenges, such as reduced personal interactions and information overload. It is essential to use technology responsibly to maximize its benefits while minimizing its drawbacks.

問題 3

[テーマ] 環境保護と持続可能な社会

📖 課題文

The issue of environmental protection has gained significant attention in recent years. As the world faces the consequences of climate change, many governments, businesses, and individuals are exploring ways to reduce their carbon footprint and promote sustainability. One of the key solutions is the transition to renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, which produce less pollution compared to fossil fuels. However, the transition to renewable energy is not without challenges. It requires significant investments in infrastructure, and there are concerns about the reliability of renewable energy sources in meeting global energy demands. Despite these challenges, experts believe that the shift to a sustainable energy system is necessary for the long-term health of the planet.

✏️ 問題

Explain why the transition to renewable energy is important, using two examples from the passage.

✅ 解答例

1️⃣ ARGUMENT(導入)

The transition to renewable energy is important because it helps reduce pollution and addresses the long-term needs of the planet.

2️⃣ EVIDENCE(本文)

One reason renewable energy is important is that it produces less pollution compared to fossil fuels. For example, sources like wind and solar power contribute significantly less to climate change, which is crucial for the health of the environment.

Another reason is that renewable energy is necessary for a sustainable future. Although there are challenges in transitioning to renewable energy, such as high infrastructure costs, experts believe this shift is essential for protecting the planet in the long run.


In conclusion, moving to renewable energy is critical for reducing pollution and ensuring a sustainable future for the planet. While there are challenges, the long-term benefits make this transition necessary.

💡 使い方のポイント




📌 問題 1

[テーマ] 労働環境と仕事のバランス

📖 英文課題文

In recent years, work-life balance has become an important topic in many countries. More people prioritize personal life over professional responsibilities. Some companies offer flexible working hours and remote work options to accommodate employees' needs. However, the widespread adoption of remote work has also led to challenges. Many employees struggle to separate work from personal life, feeling pressured to respond to work emails and messages at all times. Experts emphasize that maintaining a balance between work and personal life is crucial for mental and physical health. Studies show that employees who can control their working hours tend to be happier and more productive.

✏️ 問題


📌 問題 2

[テーマ] 技術の進歩と社会への影響

📖 英文課題文

Technological advancements have rapidly transformed daily life in recent decades. The internet has made access to information easier and enabled global communication. Social media platforms have significantly changed the way people interact and share information. However, these advancements also present challenges. Many people spend excessive time on social media, leading to reduced face-to-face interactions and increased feelings of loneliness. The constant flow of information can also be overwhelming, making it harder to focus on important tasks. Despite these issues, technology offers new opportunities for education, work, and personal growth.

✏️ 問題


📌 問題 3

[テーマ] 環境保護と持続可能な社会

📖 英文課題文

Environmental protection has become a major global concern in recent years. The effects of climate change are becoming more evident, prompting governments, companies, and individuals to seek ways to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainability. Transitioning to renewable energy sources is one key solution. Renewable energy, such as wind and solar power, produces less pollution than fossil fuels. However, this transition is challenging. It requires significant investment in infrastructure, and some doubt whether renewable energy can meet global energy demands. Nevertheless, experts believe that shifting to sustainable energy systems is essential for the long-term health of the planet.

✏️ 問題


📌 問題 1 模範解答

[テーマ] 労働環境と仕事のバランス

近年、ワークライフバランスの重要性が高まっている。その理由の一つは、精神的・肉体的健康の維持 である。課題文では、仕事と私生活のバランスを取ることが健康にとって重要であると指摘されている。特に、リモートワークの普及により、仕事と私生活の境界が曖昧になり、常に仕事の連絡に対応しなければならないというプレッシャーが生じる。こうした状況はストレスを増大させ、精神的な負担を大きくする。

もう一つの理由は、生産性の向上 である。課題文では、労働時間の調整が可能な社員はより幸福であり、結果として生産性が向上すると述べられている。つまり、適切な休息が確保されることで、集中力や作業効率が向上し、結果的に良い仕事ができる。


📌 問題 2 模範解答

[テーマ] 技術の進歩と社会への影響


まず、情報へのアクセスが容易になったこと は大きな利点である。課題文では、インターネットの発展により、世界中の情報に簡単にアクセスできるようになったと述べられている。これにより、教育の機会が広がり、知識の共有が加速した。また、SNSの普及によって、遠くにいる人々と容易に連絡を取ることができるようになり、コミュニケーションの可能性が広がった。

しかし、その一方で、SNSの利用が人間関係に悪影響を及ぼす ことも指摘されている。課題文によれば、多くの人がSNSに時間を費やしすぎることで対面での交流が減少し、孤独感が増しているという。また、情報量が多すぎるため、集中力が低下し、重要な情報を見極めることが困難になる問題もある。


📌 問題 3 模範解答

[テーマ] 環境保護と持続可能な社会

再生可能エネルギーへの転換は、持続可能な社会を実現するために不可欠である。その理由として、環境負荷の低減 が挙げられる。課題文では、風力や太陽光などの再生可能エネルギーは化石燃料よりも環境への負担が少ないと述べられている。近年、気候変動が深刻化しており、二酸化炭素排出量の削減が急務となっている。そのため、再生可能エネルギーの導入は、地球温暖化の防止に貢献する。

しかし、インフラ整備の課題 もある。課題文によれば、再生可能エネルギーの普及には莫大なコストがかかるため、導入が難しいと指摘されている。また、再生可能エネルギーが本当に世界のエネルギー需要を満たせるのかという疑問もある。


📌 日本語で小論文を作成する際の注意点一覧

① 文章構成を明確にする

序論(問題提起・主張)→ 本論(根拠・具体例)→ 結論(まとめ・再主張)の三段構成を意識する



② 課題文を正しく理解する




③ 論理的に説明する

「なぜなら」「そのため」「したがって」 などの論理的接続詞を適切に使う



④ 客観的かつ簡潔な表現を使う




⑤ 誤字脱字を防ぐ




⑥ 指定された字数を守る



⑦ 具体例を活用する



⑧ まとめ(結論)を明確にする





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